By: Rj J. Remo
(An Article about Agricultural biotechnlogy)
Through the use of
breeding and selection of desirable characteristics farmers continue to develop
their plants and animals for more than 10000 years. By doing these procedures they have done lots
of domesticated plants and animals that is now usually used in the livestock
and crop agriculture. Breeding has become more sophisticated in the twentieth
century since the traits which the breeders choose for include level up the yield;
pest and disease resistance enhanced the flavor and its drought resistance. These
traits have been passed by generation to generation through the genes like DNA.
All biotic including the vegetables, meat and fruits that we devour that
compose of genes that tell cells how to work. It has been a little while since
scientist have known that they can start identifying and do things with the use
of genes (DNA) that are the superior of traits.
Agricultural biotechnology
is the collection of scientific techniques that are used for the improvement of
animals, microorganisms and plants. Based on the research about DNA, scientists
have discovered solutions to increase the productivity of their agriculture.. With
the use of biotechnology, the breeders have enhanced their ability to create such
improvements on the crops alone. The things that are impossible with the
traditional crossing of related species are now possible because of
Let us now discuss how
agricultural biotechnology used. Nowadays, scientists have known how to
transfer the genes of one organism to other kind of organism. This method is
called the genetic modification (GM), genetic improvement (GI) or genetic
engineering (GE). Without thinking of its name, this kind of process enables
the transfer of the profitable characteristics into an animal, plant or
microorganism by injecting genes from the other organism. It can be clearly
seen that the crops have improved because of the transfers of DNA. These crops
are often called as Gm crops or GMOs. They have reduced the crop damage from
the insects, weeds and diseases which increased their productivity.
The selection of
individual animals or plants was included to the traditional breeding that is
based on the measurable and visible traits. Scientists now can use the
molecular markets to choose the animals or plants that have desirable gene, even
without the presence of the visible trait by observing the DNA of the organism.
This only means that breeding is more efficient and precise. For instance, the
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture have obtained the
disease-resistant white yam, cowpeas resistant to bruchid (Beetle) and
resistant of cassava against the Cassava Mosaic Disease with the use of
molecular markets,
Another part of
agricultural biotechnology is the molecular diagnostic. This is compilation of
methods that determines the genes or gene products that are very specific and
precise. This is used in agriculture for the accurate diagnostic of livestock
or crop diseases.
On the other side of the coin,
tissue culture means the regenerating of plants ion a laboratory from the part
of a disease-free plant. This method enables the production of a material which
is disease-free for crops. Citrus, avocados, pineapples, bananas, coffee,
papaya and mangoes are some examples of crops that are products of tissue
Since we are living in a digital world it no
wonder why we are living now comfortably.
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