August 04, 2012

Wonders of Biotechnology


By: Rj J. Remo
(An Article about Agricultural biotechnlogy)

 Through the use of breeding and selection of desirable characteristics farmers continue to develop their plants and animals for more than 10000 years.  By doing these procedures they have done lots of domesticated plants and animals that is now usually used in the livestock and crop agriculture. Breeding has become more sophisticated in the twentieth century since the traits which the breeders choose for include level up the yield; pest and disease resistance enhanced the flavor and its drought resistance. These traits have been passed by generation to generation through the genes like DNA. All biotic including the vegetables, meat and fruits that we devour that compose of genes that tell cells how to work. It has been a little while since scientist have known that they can start identifying and do things with the use of genes (DNA) that are the superior of traits.
                       Agricultural biotechnology is the collection of scientific techniques that are used for the improvement of animals, microorganisms and plants. Based on the research about DNA, scientists have discovered solutions to increase the productivity of their agriculture.. With the use of biotechnology, the breeders have enhanced their ability to create such improvements on the crops alone. The things that are impossible with the traditional crossing of related species are now possible because of biotechnology.

                      Let us now discuss how agricultural biotechnology used. Nowadays, scientists have known how to transfer the genes of one organism to other kind of organism. This method is called the genetic modification (GM), genetic improvement (GI) or genetic engineering (GE). Without thinking of its name, this kind of process enables the transfer of the profitable characteristics into an animal, plant or microorganism by injecting genes from the other organism. It can be clearly seen that the crops have improved because of the transfers of DNA. These crops are often called as Gm crops or GMOs. They have reduced the crop damage from the insects, weeds and diseases which increased their productivity.

                     The selection of individual animals or plants was included to the traditional breeding that is based on the measurable and visible traits. Scientists now can use the molecular markets to choose the animals or plants that have desirable gene, even without the presence of the visible trait by observing the DNA of the organism. This only means that breeding is more efficient and precise. For instance, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture have obtained the disease-resistant white yam, cowpeas resistant to bruchid (Beetle) and resistant of cassava against the Cassava Mosaic Disease with the use of molecular markets,

                     Another part of agricultural biotechnology is the molecular diagnostic. This is compilation of methods that determines the genes or gene products that are very specific and precise. This is used in agriculture for the accurate diagnostic of livestock or crop diseases.

                  On the other side of the coin, tissue culture means the regenerating of plants ion a laboratory from the part of a disease-free plant. This method enables the production of a material which is disease-free for crops. Citrus, avocados, pineapples, bananas, coffee, papaya and mangoes are some examples of crops that are products of tissue culture.
                   Since we are living in a digital world it no wonder why we are living now comfortably.

July 27, 2012

Astonishing Biotechnology Breakthroughs

An Article About Biotechnology Developments
                       By: Rj J. Remo

Nowadays, we are all aware that we are living in a digital world. As days passed by, there are always changes taking place. People all over the world do things in order for us to survive. One of these things is improving biotechnology. The use of biological processes, systems, or organisms to produce products intended to enhance the quality of human life is the definition of biotechnology.
For the past decades, bio technologists were the farmers who improved species of animals and plants by cross breeding or cross pollination. It has expanded in scope, sophistication and applicability.
Let me discuss some of the astonishing biotechnology breakthroughs. They are the induced pluripotent stem cells; gene therapy; and NaPro technology. Here are some facts that talks about these three great developments in biotechnology.
·         Induced pluripotent stem cells
For this time, researches were able to remove a cell such as skin cell and can program it again back to an embryonic-like state making cells that can have the use of ethically to look for other diseases. The usage of embryo is no longer needed. This kind of biotechnology was discovered in the 2011. The other name for this is Biology’s New Super Model. How amazing life is with the use of technology?
·           Gene therapy
Another type of biotechnology is gene therapy. This kind of biotechnology is another good type of genetic engineering. Gene therapy gave a new glimpse of hope to individuals who are undergoing osteogenesis imperfect, sickle cell anemia and chronic pain. These diseases are very difficult to be cured at first when no solution was not yet found. With the help of scientist, this therapy was discovered and became more demand on public.
·         NaPro Technology
        This is the earliest health science for women that were discovered for the planning of the network of the family with reproductive health maintenance and monitoring. This focuses more on the care of the fertility and not on the fertility control that is involve in gynecological health and family planning.
        This was use by the biomarkers in Creighton Model Fertility Care™ System to observe easily. This also focuses on the situations on the different hormonal events that take place during the menstrual cycle. In connection with this NaPortracking provides acceptable information that can be understand by physicians and women who are trained in this kind of system. This is far different from the destructive and suppressive approaches. This is because it works efficiently with the gynecologic and procreative systems.
         For instance, when there is a situation that these systems do not function normally, this kind of technology can tell that problems and solve it. Also it works with the fertility and menstrual cycles; it also makes the human ecology stable and support the potential that is proactive. This technology enables them to have more opportunity to diagnose the symptoms of the diseases they are suffering.
                     These things are very instrumental in improving the life of every individual who wants to live their life to its fullest. In our modern world, it seems that there is nothing impossible of you just use your hyperactive imagination. There are greater breakthroughs in biotechnology now and for sure there will be more in the future.

Behind the Glimpse of Success

An Article about Plant Biotechnology
By: Maura Grace Tabirao         

              During the 1st centuries people look for the betterment of their cropped plants by using hybridization (to control pollination of plants) and selective breeding. This started when people begin to collect seeds from their favorite wild plants and started cultivating them in tended those fields. This means that the most desirable plants’ seeds will be replanted again by next growing season.
            In this simple selective breeding they have improved the qualities of their products which become they basis of agriculture for hundred of years. This resulted in the growth of thousands domesticated plant cultivars. Plant biotechnology is the extension of this process plant biotechnology enables them to transfer grater variety of genetic information in a controlled manner which is more precise. This started in the late 1800 after; they have derived the knowledge from Gregor Mendel. The study of Mendel talks about the heritable genetic factors that separate during sexual reproduction off plants. This also tackles about the factors of unlike traits a sort independently of each other.
            This is different from traditional plant breeding that involves the crossing of thousands or hundreds of genes. This also enables to transfer of only few or one desirable gene. By this process, the plant readers are able to develop crops with particular beneficial traits without any not desirable traits. These beneficial traits fight plant pests such as insects, diseases and needs that can destroy the route of the plant while other improve the traits of vegetables and fruits. For instance, a tomato that was used by plant biotechnology can have higher content of solids and become more nutrition. The oil seeds at this plant can have oils with lower saturated fat content.
            For now there are now more developments on plant biotechnology all over the world especially in Europe. This is because of public pressure which cause for grater production of fruits and vegetables in our country there are also plant biotechnology development that help in making our country productive.
            Plant biotechnology is very important to the agricultural community. Other development in plant biotechnology is the plant tissue culture which contributes a lot to the growing community of all countries. Lots of techniques are involved in this type of biotechnology wherein there is a possibility for more production of plants. This means that farmers can gain more products that they can sell in the market. But this can only be done in close environment.  This can enrich the kind of life of every individual that are involve in this kind of technology.
            Not only crops are being cultured now but also the ornamental plants that upgrade the livelihood of the people. This makes every people to be more aware and involve in this type of new breakthrough today. Without any technology developments that are happening today, it will be hard for people to do their daily tasks. It will also be hard for them to level up their life especially their living. For sure in the further future, there will be more developments that will make them triumphant. These are the things that are behind the glimpse of their success.

The Great Advantages of Biotech


An Article about Biotech Traing Courses 

By: Earl John Antolin
In this generation, more and more jobs all around the world are more becoming dependent on our technology.  This is because we are living in a modern world, wherein most number of people is involve in technology. Another reason is that technology makes the work of every individual to be easier. These jobs are more dominant in other countries especially in developed countries. It is now starting to be more demand on our country. Biotechnology is a flourished science which is use to enhance the livelihood of people. There are lots of good things about biotechnology that help to upgrade the life of people. One of these advantages is the training jobs that people can afford. Let me discuss some of these training jobs.
Conducting Compliant Endotoxin Testing - This course are profitable for those who are in the field of pharmaceuticals, medical devices industries, biotechnology, cellular and tissue therapy. This training is good for chemists and managers, supervisors, technicians concerned with endotoxin testing in Quality Control departments and microbiologists.
Control of Microbial Contamination in Manufacture of Sterile and Non-Sterile Products - This is a type of a training course that are intended for those persons who are involved with the medical devices and manufacture of sterile drugs. This is advice for those of Process Designs/Engineering Personnel, Environmental Monitoring Personnel and Maintenance Managers.
Lyophilization Technology - it is for those professionals at biologic and biosimilar that are charged for improving the manufacture fo efficiency for the current existing drug products and those who are discovering new drugs this is based on USFDA and EMEA product life cycle initiatives. This is for individuals who are planning to be a programming teacher, Quality program managers, Fill and Finish staff, Function Cross-over personnel and In-process analysts.
Other courses that are available in other countries specifically in India are M.Sc Biotech and M. Tech Biotech which takes two years to be finished, B. Tech/B.E. Biotech which take four years; M. Phil in Biotech which is one-year course and B.Sc. biotechnology which take three years to be finished.
This training course enables people to be more involve on their community. Once they become involve, they can have more job opportunities. This is because the demand for those professional who are knowledgeable about these types of courses is very high. These people will be instrumental for the growth of the economy of developed countries especially those developing countries especially our Philippines.
On the other hand there are more students now that are planning to take jobs that are related to technology like these biotech training courses in the further future. They want to have jobs that will enable them to earn more money. We are all aware that without money we can’t survive in this kind of world. For now, we should always look forward for the betterment of our lives.

July 21, 2012

Overview about Biotechnology

This is another video that we post so that you, our followers as well as readers to have an overview about biotechnology. This will enable you to learn something about biotechnology as a branch of science. Enjoy watching...

Introduction to Molecular Biology

This is a video from that talks about Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. We post this video in order that all of you can have an overview of our topic. Hope that this video will help you to be more knowledgeable about the inner science. Thanks!